SUNDAY SERVICES | 9:00am & 10:30am ||||||| *PVKids available each service
Great sports moments tend to involve people who accepted a big challenge, one that required courage and an ability to keep going. This month, kids will have fun using sports to learn about ways they can say yes to challenges bravely. Jesus accepted many challenges, and the stories we know about him can help kids walk through whatever they are facing. Let’s cheer on every kid to be able to say: Jesus takes care of me, Jesus shows me the truth, Jesus helps me when I’m tempted, Jesus understands my challenges.

Videos and Lessons for PV Kids Worship at Home 

Week 1 - Big Idea: Jesus Takes Care of Me 

Week 2 - Big Idea: Jesus Shows Me the Truth 

Week 3 - Big Idea: Jesus Helps Me When I'm Tempted 

Week 4 - Big Idea: Jesus Understands My Challenges