SUNDAY SERVICES | 9:00am & 10:30am ||||||| *PVKids available each service

Kid's Kit for May -Go

More than ever, our kids are engaged in spiritual battle these days, whether they realize it or not. Their faith is attacked–not by obvious opposition–but by subtle questions and moral ambiguity, that can cause kids to doubt and become less outspoken about Jesus. In this way, it has become an increasingly difficult era to share the Gospel. . . all the more reason why we, and our kids, need to be thoroughly equipped to “GO!” Through this series, kids will see that even though they are young, God gave us a mission, to share God’s story through words and actions. In order to do this with power and conviction, God gives us the Holy Spirit, and moreover, God gives us everything we need. When I face obstacles, God will protect my heart and mind, and when it seems like there is nothing I can do, kids will realize I can help others when I pray.

Go Lessons for MAY: